Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Final Cut -

This is the cover of a story about an old BMW that got back into shape, and is ready to race the newest models around. Watch out because the beast is unleached!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Horror - Symbolism

- Blood is frequently used to symbolize terror.
Citation: http://blueblots.com/freebies/amazing-collection-of-photoshop-blood-splatter-brushes/

- The feeling of being alone in a forest at night is terrifying. 
 Citation: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/deadkennedy3254/dark-forest-night-image.jpg

- The sound of a chainsaws is very scary. 
 Citation: http://canitbesaturdaynow.com/images/fpics/603/April_-(132).jpg

- Chain usually symbolize the fact of being imprisoned or attached by obligation.
 Citation: http://c1cleantechnicacom.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/files/2009/04/big-old-chains1.jpg

- An ordinary scene from horror movies. 
Citation: http://beautifulcoolwallpapers.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/fullmoonwallpapers1.jpg

Horror - Faces

- Simple but trigers a very deep sense of fear.
Citation: http://thehauntstore.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=77_79&products_id=447

- Scary face of a weird creature.
Citation: http://gfx.adzooks.co.uk/upl/9/F8EAC7673E2D6E42D299BD592ED2E9A5.jpg

Monday, January 23, 2012

Symbols of Life

- Fire is one of the most important elements to life. 
Citation: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/d/6/5/b/1197124782941834478Sabathius_Fire_warning_symbol.svg.hi.png

- Water is an essential element that supports life on Earth.
Citation: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/6/d/9/8/1287244981509738217water-droplet-icon.jpg

-  Air is indispensable to life so it symbolizes life well.
Citation: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/306/2/3/Avatar__Air_Nation_Symbol_by_juubi156.jpg

- Direction and organization are also important pillars to a healthy life.
Citation: http://www.ceco.net/zDepot/png-files/Ceco.NET-Symbols-North-Arrows-Xx-81.dwg.png

- A plant is a very good symbol of life; it depicts well the cycle of life.
Citation: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEilB42nyuBFasWIT5KprDpjJkJhQefb1th_56DnEj5zxsZlX47XXWwMZRs3framsN1b_1Je7mpvd6iS5OkBTp-073TIut4aO7JRMDyEdOOuu3NiPqdTis5IZSNqkTOmC1KHAitPA1ev-Zs/s320/greenearth.jpg

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pharma - Lines and Shapes

- This athlete seems in a good shape because he practices often. 
Citation: http://www.fanpop.com/spots/swimming/images/2433877/title/butterfly-wallpaper

- This jogger seems carefree during her jogging session. 
Citation: http://www.zastavki.com/eng/Photoshop/wallpaper-18789.htm

-  This skater seems to practice a lot, and seems to enjoy this hobby.
 Citation: http://insiderspassport.com/sk8r-bash-at-mount-trashmore-skate-park

-  Even though only this girls feet are showing, I could tell by her shadow that she's playing beach volleyball. 
Citation: http://blogs.reuters.com/photographers-blog/2007/08/17/cast-of-shadows/

- This rider seems ready to start his long ride through nature. 

Citation: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgI-byahq-V2sEACBI7myFkwhbwk_S6qdUIiPmQigtwQa_4bmtgQGXvWrZc5dDf2Vdm9y0yk8uEPgVvWzGSKHa8IdDFctUSCVXZ6cVy8vZrVd3gnJ_FemYymoJnmg3NiNpGnSP_k1wRQGyT/s1600-h/Trail+Biking+waLLp+tangledwing.png